Saturday, March 12, 2016

GABA – An In Depth Look At This Nootropic

nootropicsThe modern market has numerous new drugs and supplements designed to treat, manage or remedy various kinds of conditions and diseases. Others are simply designed to help users achieve healthy lifestyles, increase brain and endurance performance or simply elude different risks. Brain and memory boosting supplements for instance have become very popular and are on high demand. In a rapidly shifting environment that requires maximum efficiency, concentration and alertness, expanding memory function, cognitive abilities and energy is something everyone is seeking. This creates a huge demand for nootropics and meds that can increase brain function. GABA is one of the names you will repeatedly come across in reviews, articles, journals and research materials about brain and cognition supplements. Here is a detailed description of the compound including what it is, its uses and guide:

What is GABA?

GABA (Gama Amino Butyric Acid) is a common name among nootropics and it can be found as an ingredient in various kinds of nerve settling meds. It is a natural compound produced in the brain and acts as a neurotransmitter. In actual sense, GABA acts by blocking communication to the brain thus reducing nervous activities. It is these neurotransmitter effects that make GABA a natural tranquilizer and it is sold under the real brand name or listed as part of the ingredient list in other products. GABA is a supplement used by various kinds of people ranging from business owners and managers who want to remain active and alert the whole day to women with pre-menstrual nervousness and bodybuilders. While the compound is chiefly known for its sedative effects that help improve mood and focus, it has other secondary impacts that make it useful for people seeking other benefits. Natural production of GABA in the brain can be facilitated by eating diets rich in fruits, vegetable, tea and red wine.

What is GABA used for?

GABAAs aforementioned, GABA suppresses neural communication in the brain immediately reducing nervous activities. This causes a feeling of calmness and relaxation unlike edginess and anxiety. GABA acts on GABA receptors which then send signals to the brain to immediately reduce neural activities and focus on single thing. Although purported claims suggest GABA was discovered in 1863 in Berlin Germany, nothing could be more outlandish since the neurotransmitter concept was yet to be conceived. The compound may have been isolated as an amino acid then but it took close to 90 more years before J. Awapara and Eugene Roberts identified it as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in 1950. Low levels of GABA in the brain have since been linked to depression, anxiety, epilepsy and chronic pain. On the other hand, high levels of this compound are associated with boosted moods and a calming relaxing effect on your overall nervous system. It is also claimed to increase the production of HG (human growth hormone) which is why bodybuilders love it. However, people use GABA of various reasons that include the following:

  • To improve moods

  • To reduce anxiety and nervousness

  • To improve sleep and sleeping patterns

  • To remedy premenstrual symptoms (PMS)

  • To treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Other people use GABA to try and relieve pain and discomforts from injuries, improve their workout endurance, increase growth of lean muscle, burn fat and lower blood pressure. The sedative effects of GABA supplements make them quite easy to use for any requirement that involves pain and stress relief or increased strength and endurance.

Research on GABA

Although people use GABA for various reasons that it seems to remedy, little to no research has been done to verify these benefits. Most published reports supporting the use of GABA in all the above mentioned areas are generally weak and not quite comprehensive as you would expect. According to current medical opinion, GABA taken as a supplement is less likely to reach the brain and all the perceived benefits are merely a benign placebo. Within the 50+ years since GABA was identified as a neurotransmitter, several research studies have been published on its effects on humans and animals. However, most of them focus on the mechanics of action. Back at the beginning of the millennium, there were claims that research about GABA was intentionally suppressed to promote sales of the then existing drugs such as valium. Today, there are thousands of research studies made on how GABA works and communicates to the brain. There is currently insufficient information about the health benefits and risks of using GABA as an oral supplement. Its safety has also not been pondered enough.

How to take GABA

GABA is taken orally by the mouth and placed under the tongue to provide an immediate sense of relaxation. Before you take this supplement, it is important to choose a proper dosage for your unique condition or requirement. Those who want to relax and go to sleep can take 500mg-1000mg at least one hour before going to bed. If you want to kill stress, take 750mg divided into three daily doses of 250mg per service. It is advisable to take GABA pills on an empty stomach for fast and efficient absorption. GABA is only effective when it reaches the brain. If this does not happen, there will be no benefit at all yet you may still suffer the mild side effects. If you are taking the pills for stress (meaning splitting the dose into three parts) take them at least one hour before your next meal. Some people have difficulty swallowing the pill. Fortunately, you can still use the powdered form which is dissolved in water or juice. It is just as effective as the pill supplement.


Many nootropics have hit the market and it can be a little daunting landing top quality options. GABA is one of the most researched inhibitory neurotransmitters when it comes to nerve relaxation and memory boosting. However, most research is aimed at determining how GABA influences communication in the brain. It is therefore important to use this supplement only after prescription from a qualified professional doctor. Taking GABA for recreation or any reason without proper direction from a physician can be dangerous especially if you are on other meds. What’s more, you should purchase from credible licensed distributors who can guarantee top quality supplements.

The post GABA – An In Depth Look At This Nootropic appeared first on Smart MIB.

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